I cannot adequately describe the parental rush when realizing that all three of my children are married now! Let it be here stated and known that...I AM NOT THAT OLD! Well, not as old as I feel at the realization that my kids are husband and wives!!
Two weeks ago, on a day that promised rain, rain, and more rain, we celebrated the joy of not only seeing, our 'precious little one' - the meaning of Kiera's name - join hands and hearts with the man of her dreams, but we saw God hold back the rain and give us a truly beautiful garden wedding and reception!
We are blessed beyond anything we could have ever asked for with the spouses our kids have chosen. I love and respect my young men who cherish my daughters, and treasure my beautiful daughters, from whom I have so much to learn. I feel like, in a way, our job is done, and anything from here on is blessing heaped upon blessing. Yes, I know very well that the job isn't done and mom is always mom (and she needs remind herself [often!] that her opinion now weighs less than ever before and it might even be best if not offered!) and that the position lasts until an earthly transition.
BUT! I can here state that this parenting thing has some of the highest highs and rarely, thank God, deep lows, but the rewards are incalculable!!