Wednesday, July 22, 2009

the wonder years...

Yesterday was a busy one trying to help my sisters get some "moving" stuff done. The fun part of that besides being with my 'sis's was reliving memories from - what's the new phrase - "back in the day..." with my older sister who tells me what I was like as a kid.

I had a great time as a kid and lived the "Wonder Years" for real. And if you are up on your current events, please note that all you have heard in recent days about the first moon landing and the newscaster Walter Cronkite being the voice of America about these amazing times, was what fueled the imagination of this 'wonder years' little girl. And, yes, like Winny, I had glasses that would be considered 'geekish' now, but all the incredible things I saw about life back then through those specks made for a vivid pretend world of my own creation. I think it's why I love to read so much now.

Imagination is not as utilized now as "back in the day" or at least isn't given as much time to accumulate. Too many other things grab for our time, whatever age we are...and our percolating time for imagination is boiled down to a little pre-REM time right before we are finally resting our brains from the day's assault in sleep. And who remembers those nuggets the next morning?
I wish I did...I probably had some multi-million dollar ideas that just evaporated in REM.

I think one of our classes to teach at school should be "Imagination Class" and give students assignments that make them use it...oh, wait! We do!!!! It's my class! Yay! ;o)

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