Sunday, August 2, 2009

We have just had a most eventful weekend and have come through it with much thanksgiving!

My expectant daughter was being given her last baby shower at my home on Saturday. While this normally would not have been anything but delightful, it arrived with a wee bit of concern because of some circumstances which became greatly out of my control. We have been without central air conditioning for going on three weeks and the maintenance folks decided to replace the outer unit first, hoping to solve the repair. It didn't, so work began on the inside parts. As it would have to be, the inside required ordering that elusive part, that needs to come from Siberia via every slow boat between here and there. After the wait which went on forever, it was decided to just replace the inside workings, too, on Friday, before the shower. Brand new everything should work great, right? Not hardly...

Now, when one hosts an event, one cleans one's house and makes sure that all of the proverbial "ducks" are in their proper rows and the 'dories' are all 'hunkie'. And I would have been happy to oblige these expectations except for the five or so maintenance folks, who spent all day Friday with us and then had to come a spend all morning Saturday as well. I don't know how you do it, but cleaning in front of, let alone, around a group, is not my favorite way to prepare for a party.

Creative cleaning 101 happened anyway, and we literally were prepping the food right up until the first guest arrived. The delightful finish of this part of the weekend was a fun time had by all the sweet friends that came to honor my daughter. And the air conditioning keep us all cool as cucumbers!!

Sunday dawns with the news that our son had spend the previous evening in the ER getting five stitches in his middle finger (left hand) after an accident at work. This would be one of many little nuisances at the ER for him and normally a small thing. However, my young man is about to graduate from college on Wednesday and has his last two finals Monday and Tuesday, one of which will require him writing an essay. He uses his left hand to write, or should I say, normally writes with his left hand...hhmmm.

And, did I forget to tell you that our youngest daughter tripped over her roommate's dog and had a black eye and sprained wrist???

Well, here it is a brand new week! The last before school officially starts again for me. Maybe all the mayhem of the weekend was just getting me ready for juggling 2,225 balls in the air again.

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