Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Meanwhile, back to work...

My time away from the rigors of the classroom was my vacation
this year. I so enjoyed being with my daughter, son-in-law, and
granddaughter, but, if I expect to eat, my focus needs to be
redirected to my calling to teach. It was amazing how I simply
could not fully concentrate on things that needed doing when I
began school this year. I am humbled that God allowed me to
accomplish that which was needed immediately, and then once
the arrival of my granddaughter occurred and I was back at work,
the clarity of focus returned and I am seeing all the undone things
and getting them taken care of.

I am very excited at the level of interest and intent that my students
have this year. I am also overwhelmed at the amount of students that
I have before me. My AP class has only one student but he is incredible
to see at work (probably headed for a career at Pixar - the Disney
Animation Studio). My High School Art I class has 24 students, who
surround a small group (six students) of Advanced Art artists, so
that class tops out at 30 students in one period. What happened to
the small intimate groups that could easily interact with each other and
me??? We are managing to accomplish my lesson plans and if we can
corral some "talkers" that are distracting everyone, we will stay on track.
Yes, Sabrina, I'm talking about you. ;o)

Middle School Art is a class of about 24 students and they are seeming
to finally get on track as well. We began the most important lesson that
I teach in art - linear perspective. I love these lessons because this is
where I see the "lights" go on when they begin to understand just how
it works. And they find out that it is not asdifficult to draw as they thought...
when you know a few basics.

Elementary Art has begun a new 'Seashore Treasures" project and
everyone is excited about reliving their summer adventures at the beach.
We are drawing items found on the beach and next week we will spray
paint backgrounds to resemble sand. They love it when I say they can
paint! And I love it that they are excited.

I have the greatest job in the world...I am blessed.

1 comment:

FAMBROjoe said...

Any students or faculty there using twitter?

Any of your students blogging about their work or processes? Or any students use online portfolios?

Enjoy reading the blog!