Saturday, November 28, 2009

I must confess, as I sit here being asphyxiated by my self-cleaning oven, that I struggle with the things I write on this blog. What exactly is my purpose in writing? I originally stated that I wanted a way to connect with my students, and if others perused my prose, so much the better. But, the two are not blending in my mind the way I had hoped, i.e. my family stuff is certainly of no interest to my students, and my school stuff is not of much import to my family. Hence, the difficulty in updating as I would like. What stuff is interesting to whom?

So, maybe, I just need to write what I want, when I want, and not have to explain it to either group, as my count of followers is not exceeding any limits as of this moment. And, you say, who cares? Me, too. Who cares? Maybe, all this is the noxious gases speaking, but I do have to have things make sense to me. Maybe, Rivertree Art is not the results as much as all that goes into it. The Giver speaks through the recipient. May it be so, Abba.

That being said, I love reading well written prose and only hope to aspire to such here. Isn't that the bottom line with blogs? Something interesting, well-said? To that end...I will keep writing, for myself, if nothing else! Maybe, someday, Aubrey will read it! :o)

1 comment:

The Vernon's said...

You can count on that! And I'll read whatever you write!